Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Bold Heart

Image by efes from Pixabay

The feeling dissipates

But I still remember the warmth 

I still crave the moment 

Looking for the next opportunity 

To be gathered up in caring arms 

To be told that I will be kept 

Safe from harm 

To be well thought of 

And loved in return 

My heart awaits the chance of exchanging the courtesy  

Yearning and turning in desolate places 

Aching to see and experience friendly faces 

Hopefully a day will arrive 

Someone's eyes will catch me by surprise 

And I will be held in an embrace 

That makes my lonely years fade away 

That gives me emotions that are here to stay 

The feeling dissipates

But I still remember the warmth 

I still crave the moment 

Looking for the next opportunity... 

To receive a long, awe-inspiring hug 

I use to run from intimacy 

Choosing isolation 

And silent discretion over having a hand to hold  

But as of late... 

My heart has grown bold 

Love always, Esha 

Monday, April 10, 2023

Empty Heart


People seek to inspire 

For financial gain 

With no desire to help people that have lost everything 

The truth spreads like wildfire 

But lies run sour 

Like a sore that wasn't treated 

Or a friendship 

Gone bad 

In these days of hits and misses 

People search the closest inspiration 

They can grab 

Rarely questioning the sender 

And poor intent 

We all gotta eat 

But surviving off fake cures should never pay the rent 

A couple days go by and the quick money 

Is past the point of spent 

But what about the person in need 

Self help, motivational speech and guru's 

Linked up with the who's who 

Fail to address the problem 

Turn to the Bible 

And churches devoid of pay per view miracles  

For something that will feed the soul 

Everyone is seeking something that an empty heart can hold 

Love always, Esha 

Inspirational: Small Flame

Image by Andreas Lischka from Pixabay 

It starts off small 

A flame 

That the cold, wind and rain 

Can't extinguish 

Then it grows 

Questions follow: 

Can I be redeemed? 

Does Christ love me? 

Is faith enough? 

What is love? 

It can be kindled by prayer 

Maintained by hope 

Nourished by the pages of a Bible 

That are ever turning 

You lose some battles and win some 

But to believe 

Your growth is tied up in learning 

And yearning for the grace of God 

No matter how hard you fall 

He will pick you up 

The Holy Ghost will comfort you 

And Jesus will clean your wounds 

You are not alone 

You are not abandoned 

And most importantly you are not forgotten 

You are the sheep that the Shepard refused to leave behind 

Every hair on your head counted

Every need you have supplied 

You will have a friend in Jesus for the rest of your life 

So when the world resents you 

And casts you aside... 

Just know that you are aided by the King of Kings 

And you shall live and not die 

It starts off small 

A flame 

That the cold, wind and rain 

Can't extinguish 

Then it grows 

Love always, Esha 

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