Thursday, March 31, 2022

Useless Lies

Photo by 0fjd125gk87 

There is no no lie worth living. Only the truth can withstand the storm of life. Fables pass away but reality will stand the test of time. 

Love always, Esha 

Unpopular Opinion: Will Vs. Rock

Photo by RODNAE Productions

The problem is bigger than Hollywood. This country condones violence. It was founded on violence. This is the same country that supported the Jerry Springer Show for over 20 seasons. It turns people into objects and objectifies the voiceless. People chase success and fame like a tree eager for sun rays. What kind of society supports the belittling of actors to get awarded for Oscars they earned? We build people up to tare them down never seeing the invisible strings pulling the puppets…

What kind of society ignores the abuse of it’s citizens for public consumption? The poor and disenfranchised are ignored by those who achieve accolades. The wealthy pursue the golden fleece at the cost of their soul. But they give us antics like this to focus on and we eat it up like government cheese. Don’t be a cog in the wheel, forever turning to another’s tune.

So who is at fault Will or Rock? These are rich men. For me it doesn’t matter, I have seen gentle souls get stumped in the concrete jungle for less… I know people who have gotten their faces sliced open by razor blades. During the end of the month, I have seen cops harass common folks just for driving down the street forced to meet quotas the department is fixated on.

I just hope western society gets it’s priorities together. Because time is short, the cost of rent, gas and food is rising but the day of reckoning is long. At some point, people will look at their lives and wonder where the time went. So don’t waste it keeping up with the celebrity news of the day. It’s all a distraction anyway. This is nothing compared to the problems this pandemic has incited. Stay focused on the things that matter.

Love always, Esha 

Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Bitter Water

Photo by Pixabay 

The water is of a bitter sort. It leaves no room for moist dessert. It is the bottom of a never ending well. One way leads to the glory of heaven another to the bowels of hell. The heart tells the condition of a man's soul. And it's edge is an ever winding road. 

Love always, Esha 


Drop the baggage at the door 

You won't need old bags anymore 

The suitcases of yesterday will weigh down your progress 

Forget about the tomorrow that didn't arrive today 

Move forward... 

With every step you inch towards a future 

That makes the struggle worth the time 

Love always, Esha 

Forgiving the Naysayers

Photot by kieutruongphoto


Let the naysayers talk? 

What do they know about you? 

Have they walked in your shoes? 

Have they embraced your struggle? 

You're made of flesh previously molded from clay 

Pay no mind to the things haters say 

They didn't create you 

And their remarks and tidbits won't save you 

So let the words multiply 

Like smoke clouds darkening polluted air 

Blackening clear sky 

Taken in by unfortunate souls 

What others call life 

Is made inevitable 

When negativity without hope takes control 

People focused on the dislike of others 

Lose sign of their goals 

You were blessed to fly free 

You're bigger than the adversary you face 

Because when God is for you 

It's easy to forgive others for their mistakes  

Love always, Esha 

Tuesday, March 29, 2022

God: A True Friend


When my Dad died and my boyfriend turned into a nightmare on squeaky wheels. God held my hand and gathered together the pieces of my broken heart and for that I am forever grateful. Because my life has been one train wreck after another. But now I don’t feel so alone anymore. I have a heavenly Father with cattle on a thousand hills and the things I am unable to do my God will. I gotta be honest. I gotta keep it real. Sometimes, it gets cold out here….

Photo by Jessica Lewis Creative 

Way Maker

You make the dream worthwhile. Creating and reinventing prayers that your love brought back in-style. By answering my desperate cries for help and letting me know that I’m not in the struggle by myself. You are the savior that the comics ignored. You are the way maker that the outcast adore. You are bigger than the gold that coats hardened hearts. You break the yoke of iniquity and set the captives free. And in my hour of need you comforted me. For that and so much more you are a true friend indeed.

Love always, Esha



Photo by Miguel u00c1. Padriu00f1u00e1n 

Rusty shackles clink. They stink of old iron overused. Leaving orangish hues on pale wrists that came into the world chain free. The world binds up the truth and locks it away. Anticipating that trapped souls never escape. But an eye with a singular purpose fills the body with light. Salvation is a narrow road but it’s worth the fight.

Love always, Esha 

Saturday, March 26, 2022

Open Sky

Photo by Esha Montgomery 


Tell me the truth. So that I may taste it's fruit with lips birthed of flesh but full of promise. Let words of living water flow from a well that never runs dry. It is limitless like the open sky. 

Love, Esha 



The food lives not

It was cut from the root

Drained of it substance

It breathes no longer

Seeking sunlight no more

It’s days of grazing ran short

It’s freedom to roam cut off

While the world turned

The breeze blew

Days went on

While life was taken to sustain another’s…

The calf grew strong

Love always, Esha

Friday, March 25, 2022

Love's Veil


Love brings a light mist over a breathtaking daybreak. Let happiness cover blue skies like silk blowing in the summer wind. It's sturdy but the veil is thin. 

Love always, Esha 

The Mission of Writers

Pic by SamuelFrancisJohnson

Writing is a nasty business. One minute you're speaking with your whole heart. Baring the issues of your soul on a white paper that seems endless. The next minute your words dry up like a shallow puddle of water on a hot summer’s day. The words fade to black and the feeling of flowing letters pulsating through easy fingertips slips away.

We sit with open palms writing for the pleasure of the moment. Praying for the eyes of excited readers to scan the lines of tactful words. We are not titans. We are bearers of empty yet hopeful words, subjects added to verbs. Creating sentences you never thought of but every portion read touched a sensitive nerve.

We fly like oceans swiping over wet dreams. We move like clouds rolling too high. Fighting for an opening to a sentence. Working towards a period that never dies. People have limited lives but the feelings they provoke live on.

Count me among the nameless writers who gave up but kept on going. Never knowing if anyone would read. Because they couldn’t change the world. And the successful are defined by monetary greed But the starving artist is defined by need. 

Love always, Esha 

Thursday, March 24, 2022

He Paid My Bail

Pic by Ichigo121212

I have a past, but I have a future as well. I'm moving towards the glory of heaven but I have been through hell. But God loves me and delivered me from my cell. I was held up, bound in my own personal jail. Created by sin and iniquity which left marks on my knees when I fell. But I worship the almighty because He paid my bail. 

Love always, Esha 

Molded Bread

Pic by Shutterbug75

Gloom is a shadow that thankful souls don’t need. Cast it aside like bad food. Don’t consume the sadness created by the few. Who seek ignorance and ignore the truth. Stand up against the rising feeling of anxiety. Do not eat of it’s fruit. It grows in the world like mold taking to old bread. Too far to be reversed to blackened to get ahead. Walk a different path instead. Go against the grain.

Love always, Esha

The Spirit of Fear
Pic by Neotam

How many of you have played with a slinky? Whether it's a rainbow colored one or a solid color. We are amazed by the beauty of it when it stretches. When it bends down the stairs. Only to watch it shrink and return to it's original size.

That's the nature of the slinky to be more than what it appears. To go further than the inexperienced eye assumes it can go. I believe that is the nature of the human spirit when touched by the hand of God. We can surpass the limitations of the world. We can expand beyond what we ever knew we were capable of as a result of living in our true purpose.

But are we willing to be uncomfortable in order to grow? In order to persevere. Or do we fear the thought of breaking if we are stretched to far? I am here to tell you that you were not made to break. God will keep you as you work toward his purpose and design for your life.

I can speak from experience and say that God has placed things in my heart that I was scared to pursue. But now I am casting that spirit of fear down. Because it can only hinder my future and offset God's plan. It is written in Psalm 34:4, I sought the Lord, and He heard me, and delivered me from all my fears. Sometimes, it's easy to fear the unknown than to walk the path that we are called to take. But we must stand in our convictions and allow faith to push out the anxiety. 

In truth, I question if I am making this post for you or if it's actually to encourage me. But it's my hope that Christ will bless all those who have endured these feelings. Because we believe that fear is necessary for our survival. But really it is an agent of disaster sent to strip us of the promise and gift of living a full and meaningful life. 

I hope that this post is able to give insight and hope in a time of unexpected changes and challenges.


Love always, Esha 


Pic by Pixabay

Spicy words taste like Tabasco dreams 

Speak jalapeno to me 

Like cayenne peppers blowing back sweltering heat

Speak sriracha to me

Like hot sauce mixed with red chili’s and vinegar

Desiring a feeling of numb lips

Brought on by scorching truth

You can never be hotter than the searing sun

It shines for the world but bows to the Son

Yet I look toward the zesty flavor

Which burns with the fiery and passion of words spoken

With a hint of sizzling mustard sauce

It can not be cooled down by milk

It’s fire is tangy

Ignited by the truth of the Holy Ghost

Clearing the pathway to closed doors

Giving light to dark spaces

Changing the temperature and atmosphere

That’s why I like heat

Speak sriracha to me

Love always, Esha

Friday, March 11, 2022

One Kiss

Listen to spoken word of One Kiss on Hope Speaks via Spotify

Photo by Loc Dang from Pexels

One kiss is never enough. There must be dozens to make up for time lost. They must be doubled to address when the road less traveled gets rough. They need to cover the wounds and apply smooth balm to the scars that don’t disappear. They should last for days and stretch into years. Give a kiss strong enough to dry damp tears. Let it be so profound that it eradicates fears. Breath hopefulness into moments that would mean nothing without you here. And that’s why one kiss is never enough.

Love always, Esha

Grocery Store Prices

Photo by Greta Hoffman from Pexels

The cart fills up with the splendor of groceries galore. But the cost has increased to ridiculous heights. Zucchini, cucumbers, carrots, mushrooms, potatoes, celery, peaches, apples, grapes, pears, lemons, cherries, luncheon meat, turkey, chicken, frozen pizza, onion dip, chips, guacamole, french bread all for the low price of $159. Take me back in time, let’s rewind to the days before the pandemic slump. Things weren’t perfect but living was affordable. And you could spend 10 dollars for lunch. Now 3 jobs aren’t enough. Keeping children in running schools are tough. Throwing quarters into a bottomless pit hoping the money swells. But even on your toughest days, remember all is well.

Love always, Esha

Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Careers & Passion

Photo by Karolina Grabowska from Pexels

In many ways, writing gave new meaning to my life. I know it sounds like a ridiculous notion. But I feel like God put a pen in my hand and a vision in my heart. In hopes of giving me something worth fighting for. We all have a talent or ability worth exploring. A desire to accomplish dreams that make us feel excited and joyful inside. So I would like to encourage each and everyone of you to do your thang… Don't be held back by the naysayers. Hold your head up high and face the obstacle of climbing an uncharted path. 

Be the fearless individual that carves a conspicuous trail in the mountainside. This is your season, this is your time. If it’s not hurting anybody and it gives you a natural high. Why not give your goals a try? Have a little faith that wonderful things are possible and they can happen for you. Sometimes, we give up our passion to chase after jobs that don’t respect our needs and ignore the demands of our spirit. Often times they determine the hours worked, vacation time and skimp on the benefits package. Leaving us to fend for ourselves despite contributions to the company. 

Years ago, I was at a youth seminar and the speaker insisted that we pursue the reason for our why. It's the driving force behind your inspiration? It encourages you to hold head up in the midst of adversity. We all need a motive to exist in this world. We need a reason to wake up in the morning and push forward. For me, it’s writing and my faith in God but for you it may be something entirely different. Since graduating from college, I have learned 3 critical things:

1. Life is too short to follow another person's plan for a happy life. 

2. Hope is a cascading river that never ends. 

3. There is no cap on passion, ambition and creativity. It flies free like sparrows hovering over the deep blue sea.

But with all that being said, following your dreams is never an easy task. There are days when the road gets rocky and I can’t see the way forward. So I rely on my faith to get me through. In times of desperation, I reflect on God’s promise. According to Philippians 4:13, I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. And that is a constant comfort. Because I don’t always have the wherewithal to address the challenges I encounter in my career or personal life without breaking down. As a writer, I spend my time trying to cultivate an audience that enjoys my writing. But if I can help one person with my words, make them feel like their not alone in this world then it’s all worth it.  

Thank you for reading. It means the world to me. 

Love always, Esha

Rider: Stormy Weather

Photo by Andre Furtado from Pexels

Will you still believe? When the cracks in the sidewalk break up the street? When salty tears fall like acidic rain? Fighting through the rumbling of stomach pain. I’m just curious… When the thunder strikes and things aren’t right? Will you be there? Bordering on the edge of nothingness and going nowhere. But in the cusp of the storm let a sista know that you still care.

Love always, Esha

Monday, March 7, 2022

Short Commentary: Shackles


Photo by Aidan Jarrett from Pexels

Destroy the shackles of bondage they aren't strong enough to hold you. Break the yokes of iniquity through the living word of God. Let the chains fall off like water rolling off a duck's back.

Love always, Esha 

Saturday, March 5, 2022

Commentary: Spare The Rod

Warning! I am speaking my mind in this post and I don't care anymore about what anyone thinks.  

Photo by Pixabay from Pexels

What is going on with the children? The other day, I was at church and a child hit a woman in the back of the head with a big toy truck. And I thought good Lord, that woman is kind for not snapping on the mother. But these children are out of control. The same child in question ran around the church unattended disturbing service for over an hour. His mom attempted to get a handle on him a few times. But at some point she give up. To be frank, I use to get pinched by my mother for years as a child. She didn't take no mess and I was too emotional to withstand a whopping (aka spanking). So I was always on my best behavior. Honestly, my mother pinched me until I was 19 years old. I'm still scared of that tiny woman. But she is my best friend and I appreciate the fact that she disciplined me. 

Now I'm not telling people to pull out their belts and go hog wild on their children, pardon the expression. Because child abuse is never okay. But don't be afraid to let your children know who's boss. Your paying the bills... not the children! Don't be afraid to put your house in order. These children will respect you more as their get older if you let them know who's in charge. And I would greatly appreciate it if people put their children in check. During bible study, a little girl was screaming and running through the aisles in church and I started to get a headache. It was difficult to concentrate on the pastor preaching and by the end of service I was over the shenanigans. 

Another example, I was at the mall and I watched a child throw a tantrum because they couldn't get a toy. I watched the mother drag the child down the hall by their coat as they flailed arms, kicked and screamed continuously. It seems like some of these parents are scared of their children. But how can you fear the very child that came from your loins or developed in your womb? It makes no sense. 

According to Proverbs 13: 24 He who spares his rod hates his son, But he who loves him disciplines him promptly. 

Their is more than one way to express love for your child. My parents use to have me stand in the corner for hours facing the wall while balancing a book on my head for one of my punishments. Sometimes, when I got in trouble I was required to write 5 page essays. Another time, I jogged around the pond for 15 minutes. Let's just say my Mother and Father were incredibly creative and thoughtful when it came to disciplining their children. Because they weren't comfortable with hitting me every time I was in trouble. They wanted to build character as opposed to fear. I am thankful to them everyday for their kindness and strict rules because it made me a better person. Yes, I am a living cliché. 

So I have decided to start praying for these parents because I know they have to be tried of the situation. To be frank, I'm tried of it myself. I feel bad for the teachers because these children are out of control. If you love your children, give them parental guidance at home so they can follow decorum in public settings. As for myself, I will be praying for patience and strength for all the parents with boisterous and rambunctious children. 

Sincerely, Esha 

Love Can Be Expensive

Photo by from Pexels

Love is rich. It’s free but it’s expensive. It can cost you nothing or cost you everything. Some call it precious because it is valuable to possess. Others see it as pure, unadulterated joy and continual happiness. Those that experience it’s exuberance are considered blessed. So the person that gives it to you is priceless. Treat them accordingly.

Love always, Esha

Failing Evil


Photo by George Becker from Pexels

Fear has become a fad in this dystopian society

People are afraid of everything

They run from the sight of their own shadow

Turning a blind eye to the truth that discomforts their achy soul 

Irritated by those who speak their mind freely

Disgusted by narratives they are unable to control 

There is no argument to be had

Because utilizing discourse to find common ground 

Has gone out the window

So their right by default

And anyone that disagrees is at fault... 

If your brother sees the world through a different lens 

Why cling to disdain? 

Can you not love through disagreements? 

Make peace with a difference of opinion 

Search for the truth instead of accepting lies 

Spoon fed to you through TV 

But fallacy will hold you 

And reality will leave you cold 

It takes a strong mind to believe in something 

Beyond what their told 

Make an effort to see past the moment 

Look forward instead 

Because the person you ignore 

May butter your bread 

But an empty soul can't be fed 

Love always, Esha  <3

Thursday, March 3, 2022

Photo by Alexandr Podvalny 

Is it too late to say, I miss you?  Could you stay for a little while? Are we too far gone to say, I dream of your wide smile? Is it beyond the point of no return? Does your heart call for mine? Does your head burn? If we could start over again, just be friends. Oh the lessons…we would have learned. 

– Esha

Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Enough Food

I don't have enough food to feed you. My reservoir lacks the means to kept the thirst away. But for the rest of my menial existence... My heart will give your love a place to stay. 

Love always, Esha 

Full Love

Let your love be full and rich like water swelling in a babbling brook... so that I may swim as well. 

Love always, Esha 

God's Love

Faith has been known to move mountains. It is the substance that dreams and blessings are made of. Just a bit of it is enough to garner God's love. 

Till next time, Esha 


I can not cry today. My eyes burn from the lessons I learned. But still I feel relieved. The things that I didn't know have come to comfort me. 

Love always, Esha 

Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Leaving Enemies

Photo by Brett Sayles

Don’t focus on the snares of the enemy. It just means your someone worth fighting. For every battle that’s won there is an opposing side. They attack with lethal precision. Hoping you fall to the waste side. Going after your character. Attempting to eat away at your insides.

Turning reality into fallacy for the purpose of twisted fantasy to create a monster out of you. That’s what haters do. They aim low and watch you sail high. As your swimming with the white doves. Their trying to touch the baby blue sky. But in order to reach you they have to elevate their mind. Pray and fast in overtime in search of the way. The love that was ignored in the past can be found today.

But warmongers get left behind. They are the residue of sadness that blessed souls left to move forward in time. Dust off your sandals and move. Your presence shouldn’t be wasted arguing with fools. But your enemies are people who pretended to be your friends. The truth starts when the fictitious rainbow ends.

Love always, Esha

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