Monday, April 25, 2022



Photo by sarajuggernaut 

The rocks will not cry out. But the rivers shall swell. Still the banks will rise. Yet the sun will shine. The mountain will remain ever high but the brave will climb. For the day will come when you will yell out for a thirst... that the body can not supply. And in place of lifeless stones your soul will cry. 

Love always, Esha

Sunday, April 24, 2022

Overflowing Love


The fire burns to light the dark corners of the world. To replace unbelief with power. To give birth to the truth of a sinner's prayer. Laying open the damage inside the human soul that many never saw was there. His hand is never changing. A love that overflows like running water. Turn the faucet to the max so it pours out. And thirsty hearts are able to bathe in the overflow of God. Drenched from head to toe in favor and mercy that goes beyond human comprehension. Vulnerable before the King who loved you no matter your condition. Because He cares just that much.  

Love always, Esha 

Listen to Hope Speaks Podcast Episode 10: Overflowing Love

Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Travel With Hope


Photo by karolzielinski1996 

Ride on 

Move forward

Traverse to destinations unseen 

Only experienced in dreams 

Inch closer to the desires 

Placed in your heart 

Push through valleys

Pedal up mountaintops 

Thrive in the midst of the wilderness

Sail over running rapids 

As robust waterways swell 

Let the dirt road 

Build the level of your endurance 

The challenge will make you reach higher 

The time spent fighting will make you travel lighter

Because smooth highways 

And byways are meant for driving 

But it is the difficult terrain that builds us 

Shaping our hard days 

Into faith and trust 

Creating a spirit than can withstand 

The journey in no man's land 

Love always, Esha <3

Tuesday, April 19, 2022

God's Door

Photo by seth0s

For every closed door I have faced. God has opened another. So I don't worry about tomorrow. It's already in good hands. And I'm not talking about Allstate. Everyday hasn't been easy but to wake up to the light of the rising sun is a blessing. In every mistake is a lesson. Because I always lean and fall into the warm arms of his mercy and grace. Delighted in the beauty and mystery of His unseen face. Even when I had no home in His kingdom there is space. 

Love always, Esha <3

Monday, April 18, 2022

Changing Nature

Chip away at the block. Little by little. Day by day. It will take form. Becoming something different. Something new. Something that a transforming soul once knew. Before it was altered. Before faith and hope grew. And that is the nature of change.

Love always, Esha. <3

Saturday, April 16, 2022

Child of the King

Happy Resurrection Sunday 

You are valuable

Every hair on your head counted

All your triumphs and failures dearly noted

The black charcoal will soon turn into a diamond

When pressure is applied

And the shine of it will reflect off of dim places

Creating a light where none existed

You are the bright twinkle in the distance

Showing from a far

Signaling the lost and the down trodded

To a place and a person that is willing to hear them

Your prayers stand in the gap for many

A friend to those 

Who never had any person that cared

You are welcoming

Because your smile is always there

It checks on people and reassures them

That everything will be okay

Your eyes relate the truth with simple glances

Giving people hope for second chances

When you speak to others

And show concern for their well-being

Relating respect and kindness from the beginning

No matter the struggle

You find a way to be supportive

Being a blessing to others in their time of need

You are a child of the King

Jesus died so you could live more abundantly

Love always, Esha

Wednesday, April 13, 2022

The World Turns...

Listen to Hope Speaks Episode 9 on Spotify 

Image by PIRO4D 

The world is every turning. Society moves and sways with the tides and rises with the waves. But it never thinks of the soul. The things that fall outside of it's influence. The pressure that makes young hearts grow old. But those who know don't speak and those that don't know are quick to respond. Making up policies that fail to help the community. Ignoring the necessities of those who are in pain. Calling the wise crazy and driving those who follow along insane. All the while, the world is steady turning on an axis fit to bend. Those who can't make it work break. While those who find a way are able to survive. Sometimes it takes knowledge to keep your faith alive. Knowing that the power doesn't come from the world. It comes from the Spirit within. Because the battle isn't won until the outcome is revealed at the end. So keep pressing on. Only the foolish relay on the strength of those who appear strong. That's why I'm never afraid to walk alone. 

Love always, Esha 

Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Carefully Made Home Part 2


Photo by Waylin 

Build your home on a solid foundation

One that surpasses shaky, uneven sand 

Because a dwelling fixed on stable ground 

Is made to stand

So when the wind blows, the rain falls

Impeding flood waters come 

And the sparse earth trembles 

Your walls will endure 

When the march of uncertainty comes like a storm 

You can sit in your house fortified by good bones 

After spending a lifetime paying it off 

It's something that your children will own 

They will sit in your old rocking chair

 And get teary eyed and stare off into the distance

Remembering their adolescence in that home 

Something created on solid soil 

Based in treasured memories 

Love always, Esha 

Sunday, April 10, 2022

Carefully Made House

Your house was made months in advance with care and consideration. It will last for decades more. Because love is the mortar that lies between burnt red bricks. And the shingled roof is reinforced with hope and painted with sweet day dreams. Your lawn is watered by bliss morning showers. Your garden is fertilized by prayers. Every morning, you arise and look out the window… The sun is always there.

Love always, Esha

Wednesday, April 6, 2022



Listen to Hope Speaks Episode 8

Photo by Daria Shevtsova 

Be the odd ball. The one who rarely gets everything right but dances to the beat of their own drum. Stand apart from the crowd. Yell, smile and walk to the sound of your heart beat. Surely, you have the rhythm of life marching with you against the tapping heel of aged cobblestone.

Love always, Esha

Sunday, April 3, 2022



Photo by Rachel Claire 

Go ahead, catch air

And leap

No rope required here

Feel the weightless ease

On free ankles

Lift eager heels

With bended knees

Nearly touching the back of hamstrings

Let gravity settle your feet

Into stable ground

When your up high

It’s hard to come down

Smile with a new found joy

Jump for happiness

That no man can destroy

Love always, Esha

Short Poem: Politics


Some say, 

Party politics must stand

If evil is done they turn their head

Like a late kid getting hall passes

Giving out third and fourth chances

No matter the offense

Democracy was a dream 

Put on a hopeful wish list 

But still some say, 

It’s imperfect 

But this is all we have 

So if we bare grievances 

It’s too darn bad 

Love always, Esha 

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