Friday, November 27, 2020

Corona Culture Rant: Rich Vs. Poor

Corona Culture Rant: Rich Vs. Poor 

It's easy to tell people to stay inside if they don't feel well. It's simple to see the benefits when you don't live pay check to check. When you have the option, the privilege, the ability to work from home and receive paid sick leave that's wonderful! But what about the rest of us? The working class Americans.

We are the silent majority that makes the country go round but we are also those struggling to survive. Those who fall in-between the cracks of the American dream trying to dig out of the concrete and barely scraping by. Now we are being called on once again to pull ourselves up by our proverbial bootstraps with no shoes! What do we do? When our bellies growl but no stimulus check comes in?

Part of me is concerned over what the nature of the economy will be when this pandemic ends. When the demands for work are unable to fulfill our need because small businesses have taken a hit! When homelessness stands in the way of self preservation and the cost is paramount to our livelihood. What is the baseline of assistant that can be provided for the homeless, struggling, working poor and ailing among us?

In the midst of this pandemic, we look to our state and federal government for answers, for assistance, for calm but we receive silent in return. It is my solvent hope that our elected officials answer that call. But I wouldn't put all my eggs in one basket. So I propose that we all look out for one another during this time. You never really know what people are going through be hide closed doors and now a large number of us are confined to staying in doors. And sometimes it feels unbearable.

There were so many things I took for-granted before Covid-19. Going to the movies, library, hitting a party, attending a conference, lecture, or just going to a theme park had no real value in my mind. I was just doing stuff but now I realize that I should have been more grateful for the little things. life is what we make of it. So even though I'm in the house, I am content. Because some people didn't wake up this morning. So I have to push forward in a world full of inequity and hardship. I have to make a way out of no way and help those I can along the way. Because no matter what we see and hear on social media we are all in this together.

Till next-time, Esha <3

Friday, November 20, 2020

The Power of Fear

Photo by John Silliman on Unsplash

The Power of Fear 

 Sometimes the fear of rejection stops us from trying. Sometimes the fear of success makes us apprehensive when attempting to believe in ourselves. But without rejection we would never feel the joy of achievement. So take the good with the bad. Knowing that acknowledgement is not the end all be all... It is just another step in the long hall towards progress. Never let the fear of failure stop you from trying. The only thing that beats natural talent is hard work and consistency. The more we push ourselves the less we succumb to the fear of the unknown.

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